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Dead By Daylight – Play the Game!

Recently, I have noticed that many survivors are disconnecting when the match starts. This is very annoying. First, you just cancelled and ruined the game for everyone. Secondly, for the killer, you just burned their offering and used up their add-ons for nothing. Maybe this was your goal? Still, you ruined the game for everyone and wasted resources. Once you commit to a game, PLAY IT OUT! These are not NPC’s you are playing against. These are real people, and you just wasted everyone’s time. If you want to talk about toxic, that is the ultimate. I would go so far to say that if you disconnect a certain amount of times within a timeframe then you get banned for a certain amount of time. Also, set a threshold for disconnects that if you reach within the established timeframe you are permabanned, that would be fair. If you don’t want to play then don’t even start a game. It’s as simple as that.

If you commit to playing the game, PLAY THE GAME!